EMI Filter & Quasi-Peak Detector Kit RIGOL DSA800-EMI (Activation Key)

Electromagnetic Interference Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit for RIGOL DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer.

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RIGOL DSA800-EMI is an Electromagnetic Interference Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit (200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 6 dB bandwidth) for RIGOL DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer.

Quasi-Peak detection is a weighted form of peak detection. For each data point, the detector detects the peaks within the specified time interval, weights the peaks detected using circuit with specified charge and discharge structures as well as the display time constant specified in the CISPR Publication 16 standards and displays the result.

By default, the instrument uses Gauss filter and will switch to EMI filter automatically if Quasi-Peak detector is selected.


Additional information

Download RIGOL DSA800-EMI (EMI-Filter & Quasi-Peak Detector) User Manual.

Download RIGOL DSA800-EMI (EMI-Filter & Quasi-Peak Detector) Data Sheet.